Steve Bauer and Marianne Wittelsberger are special effects makeup artists who create makeup for Film, Television, Stage and Moulage. They lived in Hollywood, CA where they worked for every major studio. They specialize in prosthetics and blood effects. Marianne and Steve recruit, train, hire and coordinate Actors and Moulage artists for multiple international programs at Shock Trauma Hospital and University of Maryland Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland. They design, fabricate and apply realistic trauma specific injuries for program scenarios and disaster drills.
Programs include:
ATLS - Advanced Trauma Life Support - Certification for Emergency Department Doctors
ATCN - Advanced Trauma Care for Nurses - Certification for Emergency Department Nurses
MOCA - Maintenance of Certification in Anesthesiology – Medical Simulation for real world cases.
TEAM – ATLS Training for 1st year Medical Students
ATLS Instructor Course – Moulage Training for ATLS Intructors
CCRU Ultrasound
Leading Edge Program
C-Cups Ultrasound Program
Unit Secretary Education Series
C-STARS Program
Disaster Simulation for First Responders in Baltimore, MD. – Moulage for 80 actors.
Jokesters can provide special effects from single effects up to the whole disaster simulation up to 500 victims. We use safe and washable blood, and always use sanitary conditions when applying any EFX.
Of course we always do key makeup for television, HD and non-HD, film and stage.
See more Special Effects here:
University of Maryland Shock Trauma Sim
University of Maryland Shock Trauma Simulation
University of Maryland School of Nursing
Lessons Learned Film Special Efx
Towson University Web Site for Stage Makeup taught by the Jokesters