1) Textbooks:

  1. Corson, Stage Makeup (rev. ed.) one copy of the text is on reserve at the library, Richard Corson, Stage Makeup, ISBN   013 606 1532, 9th Edition, Prentice Hall Inc,  Hardback.
  2. Swinfield, Stage Makeup: Step-by-Step Swinfield, Rosemarie, Stage Makeup: Step-by-Step, ISBN: 1-55870-390-x  Betterway Bks, Hardback.

Textbooks and Supplies
Class Requirements
Grading Criteria
Straight Makeup
Middle Age
Old Age
Nose Putty
Crepe Hair
Cuts, Burns and Blisters
Final Makeup
Towson University Home  Towson University Theatre Jokesters Web Site
Who are Jokesters 1
Who are Jokesters 2
Drawing Characters

Stage Makeup by Corson

Ben Nye Theatrical Crème Kit “Towson Edition” – Component List


Component selection based on skin tone:

Four Creme Foundations

Crème contour wheel (Cheek rouge, lip color and two crème colors)



Pressed rouge

Eyebrow pencil

Lip pencil

Black pencil

Nose & scar wax

Hair color

Translucent face powder

Spirit gum

Spirit gum remover

Quick cleanse

Stage blood

Rouge brush

Velour powder puff

Latex sponge

Stipple sponge

Flat brushes: No. 0, No. 6, No.7

Eyebrow/lash comb

Swab applicators

CK-1 Bruises EFX Wheel

CK-5 Burns & Blisters EFX Wheel

CL-5 Yellow Creme Color

CL-13 Fire Red Creme Color

CL-19 Blue Creme Color

CL-29 Black Creme Color

CW-2 Clown White  1.75oz.

LL-1 Liquid Latex 1 fl. oz.

 Towson Edition comes in these skin tones, and are available at the Towson University Book Store:

TK-1 White: Female

TK-2 White: Male

TK-3 Olive: Female

TK-4 Olive: Male

TK-5 Black: Female/Male


Home | Syllabus | Textbooks and Supplies | Assignments | Class Requirements | Grading Criteria | Straight Makeup | Middle Age | Old Age | Nose Putty | Clown Animal | Restoration | Nationality | Crepe Hair |Cuts, Burns and Blisters | Fantasy | Final Makeup |
Towson University Home | Towson University Theatre | Jokesters Web Site |
Who are Jokesters 1 | Who are Jokesters 2 | Drawing Characters

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