Live Performance Highlights (From over 2000 performances)
Warner Bros, Paramount Studios, MGM Corporate Events. Disneyland, Anaheim, CA Featured Entertainers on Mainstreet. Walt Disney Special Events Corporate Events and Movie Premieres. Royal Command Performance For the King of Saudi Arabia. White House, Washington, D.C. 3 Command Performances for President Reagan. White House, Washington, D.C. 3 Command Performances for President Bush. White House, Washington, D.C. President Clinton's Inauguration. Academy of TV Arts & Sciences Grand Opening of the TV Academy. Rose Bowl Parade, Pasadena, CA With Bob Newhart and Countrywide Mortgage. Los Angeles Zoo, LA, CA Special Events and Corporate Parties. Burbank Starlight Bowl Featured Stage Performers, Burbank, CA. Six Flags Amusement Parks Featured Entertainers-Valencia, CA & Balto, MD. First Night Annapolis Featured Stage Performers, Annapolis, MD. First Night Alexandria Featured Stage Performers, Alexandria, VA. First Night Dover Featured Stage Performers, Dover, Delaware